Friday, January 15, 2021

Troop Production

Troop Production

If you use a hybrid fight/cater strategy, increasing your inventory of squads of troops is at least as important as increasing your inventory of goods.

Overall, troops are cheaper to make than goods. 

1) Make sure the troop building is making troops 24/7. Having one slot not yet completed when coming on to reset is the goal.

2) Upgrading the training building decreases the training time. Upgrading/adding an armory increases the training time. The amount of time is calculated on a 'per unit' basis, so the more troops in one slot, the longer it takes for that slot to finish. Chapters usually rotate between barracks and armory upgrade techs. If this chapter has a barracks upgrade, the armory upgrade comes in the next chapter. Take it slower on bringing the barracks up to max level to avoid reducing the time too much and all slots finishing when away from the game. 

AW Effects on Production

These are the AW's that decrease production time in the regular training buildings:

Needles of the Tempest: Speeds up Barracks production time(Tech Ch 3)
   Bonus effect:  Increases attack power of all light range troops

Flying Academy: Speeds up Mercenary Camp production time(Tech Ch 9)

Bonus effect:  Increases attack power of all light range troops

Flying Academy: Speeds up Mercenary Camp production time(Tech Ch 9)
  Bonus effect:  Produces Barracks Mage troops

Victory Springs: Speeds up Training Grounds production time(Tech Ch12)
  Bonus effect:  Increases attack power of all light melee troops

These are the AW's that increase production time; they impact all 3 training bldgs:

Dwarven Bulwark: Increases training size (time) based on your Squad Size(Tech Ch 6)
  Bonus effect:  Produces Barracks Light Melee troops

Shrine of the Shrewdy Shrooms: Increases training size (time) based on # Armory levels(Tech Ch 8)
  Bonus effect:  Produces Barracks Light Range troops

Alternating placing/upgrading these 2 types of military AW's will help maintain training times within a window acceptable for your time in-game. 

The biggest issue is with the Training Grounds since you don't get the 'speed-up' AW until the end of Ch12. As you upgrade your DB and SSS, the training times for the Training Grounds can be double that of the barracks. 

Indirect effect on production:

Martial Monastery/Sanctuary:  Increases the health of all troops (Tech Ch4)
  Bonus effect: Culture (really good culture! higher culture bonus increases supply production needed for troop production)

Since more troops survive battles, you need to train fewer to replace lost troops.  

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