From Yoner
To help out anyone that would like to increase their fighting capabilities which will save you resources in the long run cutting down on the need to cater/negotiate in Tournaments and Spire...and also clearing provinces for expansions(ALWAYS use auto-fight for Battles). All of these Wonders are a MUST in your City. This is a reference email, so no need to reply. If you have any questions feel free to message me or one of the Mages. Hope it helps!
NEEDLES - Light Ranged Units DAMAGE increase / Barracks production speed increase
HEROE'S FORGE - Heavy Melee DAMAGE increase / Produces Orcs every 24 hours
DRAGON ABBEY - Mage DAMAGE increase / Bonus Mana with each Enchantment used
TEMPLE OF THE TOADS - Heavy Ranged DAMAGE increase / Heavy Ranged units produced every 3 hours(Barracks unit)
VICTORY SPRINGS - Light Melee DAMAGE increase / Training Grounds production speed increase